Planning Commission membership:
Bud Wolterman (through 2026)
Natalie Corzine Moore (through 2028)
David Adams (through 2024)
Jeff Halter (through 2023)
Jack Lee (through 2023)
Board of Zoning Appeals membership:
Oscar Hoffman (through 2023)
David Adams, Planning Commission rep (through 2024)
Jim Boerner (through 2024)
Fred Murrell (through 2025)
Mary Schuster (through 2025)
Members of the Tree Advisory Board include:
Neil White
Bev Ventura
Mike Caster
Beth Bolce
Jason Muchmore
Evonne Kovach
Waycross Community Programming Board
Members representing Greenhills
Nancy Moore
Galina Radford
Melanie Hermes
Teresa Trascritti
Dan Doerflein