In Greenhills, all businesses are required to have the following:

  • A Certificate of Zoning Compliance
  • A Certificate of Occupancy for your space
  • A Business Registration Certificate
  • Approved signage


So before you commit to a space, please take the following steps:

 _____  Apply for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance.

 NOTE: This review determines if all aspects of the business comply with zoning requirements.  For example, some uses are considered conditional uses and will require approval of the Greenhills Planning Commission.  Some uses may not have adequate parking. Some uses may require a change of use that can oftentimes be expensive.


Once you receive zoning approval:

 _____  Submit a building permit application(s)

 NOTE: The building permit application is used for any applicable renovations, improvements, signage, electrical work, change of use of the space to be occupied, and/or a Certificate of Occupancy in order to obtain a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy.

NOTE:  Building permits are not issued until all supporting documentation has been received, reviewed and approved by the Greenhills Building Official.  WORK SHOULD NOT BEGIN UNTIL THE PERMIT IS ISSUED.

NOTE: A Certificate of Occupancy is not issued until all permitted work has been completed and inspected and/or a satisfactory fire inspection has been completed.  OCCUPANCY AND OPERATION OF A BUSINESS SHOULD NOT OCCUR UNTIL A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED.

 _____   Apply for a sign permit

NOTE: This includes a zoning compliance review as well as a building permit application.  NO SIGN SHOULD BE ERECTED UNTIL THE PERMIT IS ISSUED. Click here to see your sign options.


While you are waiting on your building permit:

_____  Complete the Business Registration form

 NOTE:  This form must be submitted prior to conducting business in Greenhills and annually, thereafter.  You will be given a Certificate to hang in a visible location within your business.  This registration must be renewed annually.  Registration does not constitute any endorsement of the business, nor does it eliminate the necessity to apply for and receive any applicable permits and licenses required.


In addition to the Greenhills forms, businesses located in the State of Ohio typically must register with the Internal Revenue Service:, as well as the Ohio Department of Taxation:

Many businesses must register as a legal entity with the Secretary of State:  In addition, employers must follow the requirements of the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation: and Ohio Department of Job and Family Services:

Because Greenhills is located in Hamilton County, businesses are required to apply to the Hamilton County Auditor for a Vendors License, which authorizes the business to make taxable sales and collect sales tax. Visit for more details.

Village Administration
11000 Winton Road
Greenhills, Ohio

513.825.2370 (fax)

Village of Greenhills
Codified Ordinances

  Codified Ordinances

Located at (external site)

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